Genesis Chapters 1-11 Are Literal History
Over the last few days I have seen increasing numbers of Christians who want to say that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are just allegory and not actual history. However, this viewpoint is not valid and creates huge problems for the rest of Scripture. In fact, the rest of Scripture rests on the opening
The Death Penalty: Injustice For Laken Riley
Earlier this year, 22-year-old, Laken Riley, was jogging on a college campus in Georgia where she was brutally murdered by illegal immigrant, Jose Ibarra. It is a story that the country has become far too familiar with over the last several months and culminating in the guilty verdict and sentencing to life in prison today
A Man Who Fears God
Job was a man who was blameless and upright who feared God and turned away from evil (Job 1:1). This is how the book of Job opens up. The book repeats this several times as the story goes deeper and we see Job continually seek the Lord even through trials. But what I find interesting
The Perceived Contradiction of Genesis 1 and 2
When we talk about the Creation Story and the origins of the Universe, secularists are quick to claim that we should throw out the biblical narrative because it contradicts itself. They claim that Genesis chapter one and chapter two are in direct contradiction with one another. But is that really the case? The problem is
Abortion at the DNC
This week was hard. It was hard because for a majority of the week we saw Democrats at their national convention demand and celebrate the “right” to kill babies. Planned Parenthood even setup shop right there at the convention itself. They proclaimed their right to kill babies under the code words “reproductive freedom,” “bodily autonomy,”