How Should We Think About Trump’s Abortion Announcement?
Yesterday, former president, Donald Trump, announced his position on the abortion debate and his position for the upcoming election. Trump made sure to tout his involvement in the repeal of Roe v. Wade but then stated that it should solely be left to the states and that there should be exceptions and that an absolute ban was not his position.
Of course, the Pro-Life movement immediately felt upset and betrayed. Calls to abandon Trump came quickly and cries to leave the Republican Party ensued.
But how should Pro-Life supporters really approach this? How should we respond?
First, let me say that I believe all abortion is wrong. I do not believe in exceptions for rape and incest. Nor do I believe in exceptions if the life of the mother is endangered. I am 100% Pro-Life and believe abortion is wrong in every case.
That being said, to immediately abandon Trump and the Republican Party simply because they are not going to impose complete abolition of abortion is insane. We need to take the gains that we can. We are in no position to jump ship simply because we do not get everything we want immediately. We need to keep fighting.
If we leave Trump and the Republican Party in November then Biden wins. Plain and simple. What Biden wants, what Biden is advocating for, is to make Roe v. Wade federal law. We will have late-term abortions as the law of the land in the entire country. Is that really what we want?
So this idea of taking a moral stand is not really taking a moral stand at all. It is foolishness and a misunderstanding of the political arena vs. the spiritual arena.
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