What About Respect?
Today we hear a lot about “respect.” Most recently at work I was told I need to respect the preferred pronouns of a co-worker. I pointed out that it was against my religious beliefs and those are valid and should also be respected as well if the company is truly about “equality.”
But often, the LGBT movement, and liberal anti-Christian America today is about anything but equality. Equality and Respect are just buzzwords that they use to make themselves feel good and mask their true agenda. That agenda, submit, or else.
There is no room in their worldview for opposing views or ideologies. They must crush the opposition into oblivion at all costs. That’s why they fight with such venom. Anyone who disagrees with them is a bigot, hater, homophobe, monster, transphobe, or who knows what else. I have personally been called all of these things by the LGBT movement.
Does this sound like respect to you?
You see true respect must work both ways. But the two worldviews are so opposite one another that there is no way for them to “coexist” without one being treated inferior. That’s the truth, that’s reality.
So no, I do not believe we should respect or affirm sinful positions. That is not what we are called to do as Christians. We are called to call sin for what it is, sin.
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